Thursday, April 26, 2007


Wow, I am soooo sore today! Beside the workout yesterday, I also messed around with the KBs for a while, and I don't think realized how much I did. I forgot to put that in my entry for yesterday...I also did 4x30 situps and 3x15 pushups. Everything is a little sore, and my quads are super, super sore.

Anyway, today, I decided to try to run the soreness out with 3 x 10min intervals. It didn't work. Oh well. My first interval felt good, the second was a little harder, and the third was a real struggle. Hopefully I'll be able to work out in the morning. :) Be strong!

1 comment:

madison said...

I feel for you! Yesterday was like that for me, except I didn't try to run anything out. Just got a massage and a good night's sleep last night. You know sleep is always the best medicine for over-training, right? Even when everything is changing and your stressed? Can you do it? Maybe a little benadryl will help...