Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dragging a bit

Not sure if its because my sleep pattern has been interrupted by family stuff, spring in Texas (new allergens in the air), or possibly not taking enough iron, but I am feeling a little tired. Well, maybe more than a little tired.

Anyway, yesterday's workout:

Five rounds for time of:
320 m run
21 burpees
12 pushups
Finished in about 20:20.

Today, two rounds of:
500 m row (on C2)
20 pushups
10 chins (90 deg with feet on 20" box)
20 renegade rows 2x12kg
10 OHS with 65 lbs

I wanted to do three rounds, but ran out of time because my client showed up early. I need to row more. It really kicked my butt.

I think its my sleep pattern being thrown off. I feel so out of it. I need to be more disciplined about going to bed early every night. That's my downfall. No discipline.

1 comment:

amber said...

Don't kick yourself too hard. Those workouts sound great! Everyone goes through tired times. It might be low iron, but might be low protein too . . . you've been doing a lot of body power type workouts lately. Remember Jon's rule that you need 70% of ideal body weight in protein a day. Therefore a 150# person should get at least 105g per day!