Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why is life so hard?

Just whining. No workout yesterday---too wiped out from Monday and Tuesday (mostly due to lack of sleep on Monday night), and have a sinus headache that won't go away. Not excrutiating, just constant ache on the rigth side of my face. Shall I go on? I shall. At this point, it's been 36 hours. Asprin, tylenol, ibuprofen don't seem to make a dent in it. This is not new. It's been something I've experienced over the years since I was a teenager. Why mention it now? I'm just not going to pretend that it doesn't affect my training and fitness. For example. Nutrition this morning: steamed rice, tofu, chai with soy milk, hummus with spinach. A calming walk with my dog who has diarrhea (really bad). I contemplated taking a run before work this morning, but was running late (due to all the unscheduled cleaning). Once at work, had stressful conversation with co-worker who doesn't know she creates stress. Ate a bunch of chocolate M&Ms. That's it! I wish I had taken that run. Maybe it would have made my headache less. Maybe it would have decreased my ambient stress. Or, it might have made it all worse. On days like this, I can't tell anymore. I will get a massage tonight. That will help. Be strong!!


amber said...

I'm sorry you're under the weather today. I'm of the opinion that working out always helps, IF you can avoid feeling inadequate that you won't be going all-out during your workout today. A run/walk may do the trick. I'm not sure if your sinus pain is due to congestion, but I always like a steamy shower to loosen up whatever I can get out. It might not help in your situation though.

Your food for today sounds delish! I love chai :) with rice milk though not soy.

K-Smash said...

I'm sorry to hear about the stress too. Its maddening when stuff like that happens and you just want to feel good and live life.

Sometimes, I find that drinking some really good tea and sort of meditating while drinking it helps. I discovered that when I was sitting in a tea house in San Francisco a few years ago. It was pouring rain out, and we just sat and sipped tea and listened to the rain. It was the most relaxing moment of my life. So sometimes I try to recreate that. Maybe you can do something like that on a day like this.

Or go buy yourself a really, really good piece of chocolate. :) I read a review of a coffee shop on Willy St. in the Ithsmus that sounded great. They served a Marie Ambrosius truffle with the coffee. Go find that place, sit down, and just enjoy.

I definitely agree with burpees that IF you can avoid the self-competitive feelings that we all get when working out, a decent workout will help.

Take care of yourself!!!!

madison said...

Thanks guys! I'm feeling a little better now. I'm definitely going for a run this afternoon. I do find meditation helps, at least it helps me deal with my feelings about what I'm not liking or feeling frustrated by... And chocolate is good to. And talking/sharing.