Monday, April 09, 2007

Rebound time

Today was my first workout since last Wednesday morning. I worked out with the evening Crossfit class. It felt OK. Not great, not bad.

25 jumping pullups
50 deadlifts (did 95 lbs)
50 pushups
50 box jumps
50 KB swings (used 1x24kg)
50 KB clean and press (from the floor on each rep - used 2x12kg)
25 jumping pullups

I did it in 21:06 (I think). I know I can go heavier on swings, deadlifts, and clean & press, but I wasn't sure how I would feel, and it was also for it was OK, I guess.

I have a cool HEY story. One of the guys working out tonight said that he must've been doing too much deadlift-type lifting at work today and his lower back hurt, so he couldn't do most of the workout. So I did a short HEY sequence with him, beginning and ending with supine bridge, and he said he felt much, much better. He was smiling and seemed pretty excited at how the pain in his lower back seemed to release. That made me very happy.

There's a lot of cool stuff out there, and I like learning as much as I possibly can...but I still always come back to MBG methods and HEY. Its so simple and so effective.


amber said...

That sounds like a nice workout! I know what you mean about HEY; sometimes it just seems magical what it can do to realign and get rid of pain. I'm glad your break went well and you're getting back into the swing of things!

madison said...

Good for you K-smash! Sounds like you are doing a good job pacing yourself as you get back into things... It does feel good to be able to give some good simple direction and feedback, like with HEY, and discover how effective it can be...