Tuesday, April 24, 2007

High Energy!

Took Monday off after the weekend and also had a late class. Today, almost didn't get myself into the gym for 6:30, but after a little tea and cereal felt a boost of energy and got over there. Did 4 sets of partnered: run-run, slide-slide, crawl-crawl for 5 minute intervals. The first two sets were with 1 partner, the second 2 were with groups of three (longer rest interval). I regretted eating before the workout, but did o.k., didn't get too intense. We finished with power wheel intervals 4 sets of 20 sec crawling-20 sec pike ups-20 sec rockers 30 sec rest. Ouch. I could really feel that my form was a lot weaker than it used to be, but I'll just do what I can do for now and appreciate change. Be strong!!!!


amber said...

nice work getting up and ready for that workout! When I do the 6:30am class, I usually only have chai before class. Occasionally I'll have a smoothie, but nothing solid :)

madison said...

Yeah...My preference is to not eat beforehand, and the only reason I did was because I had "decided" not to workout, then had a change of heart. I'll find my pace...