Friday, April 27, 2007

Sleep IS the key

And I am not getting enough. I need to sleep more, I know it.

I struggled through two pathetic rounds of "Fight Gone Bad" this morning, with less than the prescribed weight, and then decided to call it quits. (FBG = 1 minute at each the C2 rower, box jumps, wall ball, barbell high pulls, and barbell push presses; no rest between exercises, 1 minute rest between rounds). Then I did 10 pushups and 30 situps and decided not to tax my body's resources anymore. Oh yeah, earlier this morning I did tabata squats (20 sec on/10 sec off for 8 sets or 4 is in the squat position, not standing).

I know I need more sleep. My quads are tender and painful to the touch today too. Owwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend!


amber said...

I feel you on the tired! I just got back from a long weekend in Vegas, and averaged 4.5 hours of sleep a night. So I'm exhausted, but will be trying to rest up for my trip to TX this week! So excited :)

madison said...

I envy you two! I wish I was coming to Austin as well. Can't, but with I could!

madison said...

Need to add..."I WISH I could." Also, K-smash, how is your sleep getting disrupted? Are you not able to fall asleep? Are you waking up too early and not able to fall asleep again? A trick that seems to help me fall asleep is if I can focus on my breathing. But, I know that is hard to do when your mind is racing. A friend of mine said that if I have to occupy my mind in order to focus on my breathing, concentrate on saying to myself: "Breathing in, I'm breathing in, breathing out, I'm breathing out" as I breath in and out. Basically, narrate your breathing to yourself in order to get your mind to focus. I hope you get some good sleep soon!

K-Smash said...

I wish you could come to Austin too! Its so wonderful.

I don't feel sleepy in the evening, and I just don't go to bed early enough. I know that I really need a solid 8 or 9 hours a night, but frequently I go to bed at 11:00 or 11:30 even though I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. So I don't know - maybe its a discipline issue....?

madison said...

I forgot about the limited time with DH... So, that is probably part of your late night, right? You don't lack discipline, K-smash. Is there time for you to take a nap during the day to compensate for the shorter time sleeping at night? If you can find a way to schedule that in, it may help. But if you can't sleep during the day, that's another issue. Maybe not everyday, but on days that you have a heavy workout, a nap afterwards might help reduce that feeling of overtraining...