Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fun stuff on a Wednesday morning

Today was a complete deviation from my normal type of training, but I loved it.

We did clean and jerks with olympic bars and bumper plates. I worked with two guys. We started with a 45 lb bar, and added weight each set. I maxed out today at 115 lbs (total, including the bar). I didn't really count - we just kept taking turns. We threw in 3 or 4 400 m runs too...I was keeping pace with one of my partners, who is a firefighter, so it was a darn quick pace. Felt good.

I think this is going to become part of my normal training - I'll throw it in once or twice a month for now. :)

1 comment:

amber said...

wow, 115# is great! That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm so glad to hear that you're coming back refreshed and having awesome workouts :)